Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sunday Sunday

It is Sunday afternoon. Ben is in the ocean. Silas is sitting in his bed doing I'm not sure what. He woke from his nap crying and when I went in he frantically said, "bye bye Mama," so I am giving him a little time...

Ben and I saw two good movies this week, both a pleasure to watch, rich in nuances of real life and the complexities of relationships: "Once" is a film about a street musician and a Czech immigrant in their 20's/3o's trying to make their way in Dublin, who converge and become friends. The dialogue is natural and the film laced with good music. Check out the soundtrack too. And in "Two Weeks," Sally Field plays a mother who is living her final two weeks dying of cancer, whose 4 grown children have come home each entangled in his & her own separate life, own separate grief and coping mechanisms, clumsy yet familiar with each other, and suddenly living together again under one roof.

This afternoon, Ben and I will head to a Crystal Cove Cottages where we will rent a room in one of the cottages that we reserved 7 months ago... It will be an adventure since much is unknown: will their be bedding? room for a pack n' play? heat? will Silas sleep there? will the other people staying in the house wake up if Silas cries in the night (that's a pretty easy one -- yes)? will they be angry or kind people? At the very least we will be down on the water at my very favorite beach getting to live beside the rhythm of the tides for a few days. . .

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