Thursday, April 02, 2015

Silas Turns Nine

Silas, nine years ago you came, neatly at 11:00 in the morning weighing 8 even pounds.  For months we called you Uncle Silas, and marveled at this new little stranger who'd come to live at our house, all of his tininess, the little boy-self we somehow got to care for.  How we've loved you from that first minute! and the journey of continually discovering you.  I love how tender and silly you are, how curious and loving, how adventurous, adorable, fun and brave you are.  I love leaning against you on the couch and listening to stories unfold.  I love learning from and alongside you.  I love your surprises and your wide-mouthed laugh.  I'm grateful -- overflowingly -- that you are here.   
Happy Birthday!!

(right before this said he wanted to "take a selfie to be like the Mars Rover")

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