Tuesday, January 15, 2013

making lunch


Hollie Shannon said...

Oh I love her!
And I love you!
I love you for putting her on the counter while you made lunch!

tracy page said...

this picture screams a thousand words about the life of a mommy! i love it so much. happy new year, bronwen. xo

Anonymous said...

this picture screams a thousand words about the life of a mommy! i love it so much. happy new year, bronwen. xo ~ tracy page

Kathleen said...

This truly just made my day!!!!! Hilarious!

KLA said...

I see your Pyrex! And I always run out of paper towels, too. Preferably, they would run in an infinite roll from the ceiling, on a chain.

Anonymous said...

I have always loved how your kids will lay on a counter or table. I remember Silas's corner on your old kitchen counter and how he would just lay anywhere you placed him to take his bottle. Love u! mh